Not where your talents lie?
If we don’t have a vacant position that suits you, you’re welcome to reach out anyway.
Who knows…? We might really need you without yet knowing it 🦄
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Want to join Enterspeed? You really should. We have it pretty great 😎
We’re nearly always on the lookout for more colleagues to take us even further. Check out our open positions and apply as soon as possible.
We’ve plenty of room for new Enterspeedos or Enterspeedas …
We currently don't have any open positions.
If we don’t have a vacant position that suits you, you’re welcome to reach out anyway.
Who knows…? We might really need you without yet knowing it 🦄
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Remote wizard or office nut? We’ll fit you right in
Right. It’s not that we’re a huge organisation catering to hundreds of people (yet), but we are rather diverse when it comes to our needs and wishes for our workday.
Every Enterspeedo (we’re working hard to get everyone to embrace this term... not quite there yet 🤷♂️) has their own preferences when it comes to organising the workday. Some prefer the comfort and quietness of the home office, some like the dynamics of working alongside colleagues every day, and some fancy the flexibility of the mix.
We want to be the kind of workplace, where you want to be at the office. But we also realise that working at the office has some potential drawbacks such as commuting and limited control of the environment (noise, light, heat and fresh air). You know – like the partly deaf colleague talking loudly *cough Toke Lund cough* or stuff like arguing discussing whether the windows should be open... 😬
At Enterspeed, about half of us come to the office almost daily, while others work from home as default. Some split their day to avoid peak-traffic, and some jump in and out so they can pick up the kids, put in a workout, or coach soccer. It works.
We offer a fair bit of remote work flexibility, but we also value the in-office interactions and a connection to the office. In our experience, face-to-face contribute to a strong team culture and effective collaboration. The key is flexibility, and we are ready to accommodate you and your way of working.
We check in with each other daily to talk shop and to do the whole water cooler thing.
In short, don’t let the fact that you don’t live in Aarhus N hold you back. Thank God someone invented Teams and Slack 😎
Distributed, remote, virtual or digital (potato, potahto)
No matter where you prefer to boot up your computer, collaborating is a major part of our daily work. It’s vital to us that we enable a close teamwork culture even though we’re spread across (home) offices, and that’s why digital-first works so well for us. It gives everybody the same outset and access.
So, what does that mean specifically for our way of working? These are our guiding rules:
Working together apart
This naturally brings us to asynchronous communication, an often-hidden superpower of the digital first organisation. Emails, shared documents, wikis, blogposts, and comments are async. Phone, video calls, and face-to-face meetings, on the other hand, are synchronous. See the difference?
In the early days we made the decision to use both. While we appreciate the cultural benefits of synchronous touch-base meetings, our daily work is characterised by async channels, and digital-first is completely integrated in our working culture.
But not just because it allows us to work apart. To us, digital-first is key to getting more deep work into the day. Stop for a moment and think about what kind of feedback you get after a PowerPoint presentation in a face-to-face meeting and then contrast with a well thought out written feedback on a write up. Perhaps the process is slow, but sometimes you need to move slow, to move fast.
It’s our conviction and experience that async communication is more effective and produces higher quality work 🕺🏼⚡
How we put the “us” into “Enterspeedos”... (Wait! What? 🤦🏼♀️)
But surely, digital-first also entails some challenges – one of the major one is building and maintaining a sense of “us”. We’re still one team, although we don’t sit shoulder to shoulder.
How we work together is important, but honestly, who we work with also plays a huge role in our well-being and job satisfaction. It's easier to give and receive feedback when you trust your team members. Establishing trust in a digital-first organisation requires just as much consideration as the work does.
Because the Enterspeedos sometimes work across place and time, it's not always easy to see what our colleagues are doing or pick up visual clues of their feelings and reactions. Therefore, we are perhaps over-communicating. Both as a company and as individuals we try to be as transparent and explicit as possible.
That’s why we meet up digitally every morning. All of us. And why everyone has a weekly 1:1 with their closest manager either digitally or (preferably) face-to-face – often held as walk n’ talks. And why all our teams have at least weekly check-ins. And also why we, despite our true and undying love for async communication and digital-first theories, still prioritise to meet face-to-face for work and fun 🥳👨🏼🤝👨🏼
The everyday life of an Enterspeedo
"Occasionally I (try to) make the joke, that I’m a diversity hire. The female necessity in a tech organisation. But that is bonkers, of course. I’m actually quite excited about my job. I laugh every day at work. I love how we somehow manage to create a common culture and a tight-knit team, even though I’ve only met some of my colleagues a couple of times. Our daily stand-up is great and serves as a cultural touch-base as much as a means to divide work. It just works for us."
"I love being part of a team where I can contribute to and improve our product using my own ideas and experiences, as well as valuable input from our users. The freedom to work on the stuff that I find exciting makes my workday really enjoyable. It’s also pretty nice that I can structure my day as I please. Most days, I prefer working at the office, but I often work the first hour or so from home, so I don’t have to battle rush-hour traffic. That’s a low-barrier but high-value flexibility, I think."
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