About us

We want to empower developer success

Based in Aarhus, Denmark but looking at the whole world, we want to democratise high performing APIs and provide developers everywhere with the tools to make web development simpler, easier and faster.

We want to empower developer success
Experience + talent + passion

Experience + talent + passion

Born out of banging our heads to the table

The Enterspeed team is a unique combination of passion, talent and experience. (And, evidently, we’re also not really the kind of people to hide our light under a bushel 😉)

Enterspeed is the result of experience from years in the consultancy business and from some of the largest e-commerce sites in Scandinavia. We’ve been on the other side of the table and struggled with slow, legacy monoliths. We’ve helped demolish entire architectures because some of the components were outdated. And we’ve been swearing (loudly) over low web performance.

So, we decided to do something about it: We built and packaged an enterprise-grade middle layer product for data orchestration & federation, so you don’t have to...

Did we mention we're also part of Microsoft ISV Success, on the Azure Marketplace, and official Umbraco Tech-partner?  

Microsoft logo Umbraco logo

Want to meet our fearsome team?

We call them Enterspeedos – they don’t all love that…

Toke Lund (CEO & Head of Sales)

👋 Toke Lund

CEO & Head of Sales

tlk@enterspeed.com+45 21 55 18 25
 Morten  Thusgaard (  COO)

👋 Morten Thusgaard


Emil Rasmussen (CTO)

👋 Emil Rasmussen


Christian Ejby (Head of Sales & Partnerships)

👋 Christian Ejby

Head of Sales & Partnerships

cej@enterspeed.com+45 29 60 40 32
Jane  Skovbo (Head of Business Processes)

👋 Jane Skovbo

Head of Business Processes

Jesper Weber (Senior Software Engineer)

👋 Jesper Weber

Senior Software Engineer

Alex  Karlsen ( Senior Software Engineer)

👋 Alex Karlsen

Senior Software Engineer

Elgars  Logins ( Software Engineer)

👋 Elgars Logins

Software Engineer

Brian Melin (Senior Software Engineer)

👋 Brian Melin

Senior Software Engineer

Mikkel  Blæsbjerg Nielsen (AI Software Engineer)

👋 Mikkel Blæsbjerg Nielsen

AI Software Engineer

Viktor Søndergaard (Senior Software Engineer)

👋 Viktor Søndergaard

Senior Software Engineer

Bjarke Justesen Karlsen (Student Software Engineer)

👋 Bjarke Justesen Karlsen

Student Software Engineer


This dynamic bunch is one of the cornerstones of Enterspeed. Not only are they hardworking and take pride in our product and journey. They’re also a tight-knit group who understands that professional satisfaction goes hand in hand with personal welfare.

Even though some prefer working from home and others are at the office every day, we make a point of meeting daily. All of us. We talk product and company – and we spend a fair amount of time having fun together (according to Toke, too often at his expense).

Want to join in on the fun? 🥳

Democratising high performing APIs

Get ready for flexible, fast, and efficient frontends

We are determined to provide an alternative to the heavy and über complex processes and the use-and-throw-away culture often characterising web development today.

We’ve taken the optimal tools, stacks, processes and microservices and merged them into an exceptional strong product making it far better than building your own solution for content federation.

Enterspeed is an off-the-shelf low-code product with an integrated data accelerator. It is built platform agnostic on modern infrastructure, so you can significantly improve the performance on your front-end(s).

Basically, Enterspeed helps you gain agility, speed and flexibility by decoupling and accelerating your backend CMS and other source systems from your frontend applications.

Democratising high performing APIs
Developers’ BFF

Developers’ BFF

There is no such thing as too friendly

Yes. You heard right. We really did say BFF. We want to be your preferred Backend For Frontend (BFF, see?) hub. And we’re convinced that we can be.

But. We also want to be developers’ Best Friend Forever – and we’re not at all ashamed to channel Paris Hilton…

So we listen! We listen so good 👂User feedback and questions are what keep us on track and focused on solving the issues that users actually have – not the ones that we think they probably have.

Check out more about how to ask questions or give feedback 👉

Getting friendly with performance and flexibility

It’s no secret that traditional CMS can be quite cumbersome to work on when optimising for performance such as improving Core Web Vitals. This’s why many websites are moving away from traditional, monolithic solutions and over to new headless solutions like a JAMstack (Javascript, API, and Markup) solution.

By syncing your content to Enterspeed, you get the flexibility to design and optimise your frontend application as you please. Content can be rendered in whichever framework you prefer, be it Next.js, Nuxt.js, Gatsby, or simply plain vanilla JS.

This makes developers happy since they can build a blazing fast application. The content creators are also happy since they can hold on to the editor experience (their CMS) they already know and don’t have to learn a new tool.

Should content creators wish to switch to another CMS, the developers can simply connect this new source to Enterspeed without worrying about losing data or risking downtime.

Everybody gets it their way ❤️

Ready to try out Enterspeed? 🚀

Start combining & connecting your services today

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© 2020 - 2025 Enterspeed A/S. All rights reserved.

Made with ❤️ and ☕ in Denmark.