Sign up for Enterspeed directly through Microsoft Azure Marketplace 💪
Great news! We’ve just launched our Middle Layer as a transactable offer on Microsoft Azure Marketplace. That means, that you can sign up to use Enterspeed and set up billing directly through the marketplace.
By offering our Middle Layer through Azure’s marketplace, we’re making it easily available to a broad audience of Azure customers who can discover, evaluate, and get access to it in a known and trusted environment.
The transactable nature of the offer simplifies our customers’ buying process and facilitates a seamless transaction experience within the Azure ecosystem. This makes for an even more easy purchasing for anybody with an Azure account, because you can get a joint billing.
We aim to please 😉
Check out the listing right here: Microsoft Azure Marketplace
Or. If you're curious about how we utilise Azure, you can read how we're creating Fairness in Azure Service Bus in a Multi-Tenant Setup.
Thrown into tech marketing and loving it. Mother of two, wife of one, runner, and reader of romance.