Our Cloudinary / Umbraco integration is here 🎉

We’ve just launched a Cloudinary-Umbraco integration for Enterspeed. The package is an add-on for our Umbraco integration, so if you use Enterspeed on Umbraco this is great news for you 😊
Cloudinary is an cloud-based image and video management service.
The Cloudinary-Umbraco package will automatically upload the Umbraco media to Cloudinary and ingest the Cloudinary url to Enterspeed instead of the Umbraco url.
That means you can now effectively use your Umbraco media library in a decoupled architecture! 😮
Awesome stuff, right?
The integration is open source and you can find it alongside our other integrations in our documentation.
How does it work, you ask? See for yourself 👇
You want to check out some of our other integrations? For example this integration for Clerk.io or perhaps our connector to Contentful?

Thrown into tech marketing and loving it. Mother of two, wife of one, runner, and reader of romance.